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Looking for a program in accordance with your dietary habits? This one month (3 weeks on, 1 week deload) program attends to the lifters who already have a general foundation built, know how to properly lift, and construct their nutrition day-to-day in accordance with their training habits.  This program assures that you stick within your maintenance volume, and is great for anyone who is transitioning from either a bulk to a cut, or vice versa.  Following a period of heavy volume or increased intensity lifting, your body needs a chance to recover, and a maintenance phase is a great time for that.  As long as your dietary habits daily are in line with your current maintenance, you will retain your muscular size, strength, and overall appearance through this program.  Each workout is designed with pre-programmed set/rep ranges.



This program involves a 8-day split (3 days on, 1 day off, and so on) muscle-group split that focuses on the movements that you are already accustomed to.  Below each day, you will find replacements of the exercises that are already included per the program, and are available to substitute for your own individualization.  Each muscle group is to be exercised 2x a week.  Once the 3 weeks of the program are done, a deload week is to be commenced for the 4th week on your own accord.



The purpose of this program is to retain muscular size and strength as much as possible, while bringing down any cumulative fatigue over the past few months of vigorous lifting and dieting.  Weekly, the progression scheme will only follow a difference in RPE/RIR change, assuring that RPE stays at 7 or above, and RIR stays at 3 or below.  For example, if week 1 for one exercise is around an RPE 7, the next week should stay at 7 or increase to 8, and so on for the majority of the other exercises listed.


Maintenance Phase Program

$10.00 Regular Price
$7.00Sale Price
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