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Looking for a program to help you gain size, break plateaus, and progress each and every week in the gym? This one month program attends to the novice and intermediate lifters, (0-2 years of lifting experience) who already have a general foundation built, or know how to properly lift.  This program will not only help you put on size, but also will promote proper movement patterns, create efficient stability for compound lifts, integrated core patterns to promote proper bracing mechanics, as well as weekly progressions that will keep you on track each and every week. Each workout is designed to test you physically and mentally. 



This program involves a 4x/week Full-Body split that focuses on compound movements, a 5x5-oriented set-rep range that focuses on strength patterns, and correct overload sequences to ensure consistent increases in strength and possibly size.  Each muscle group is to be exercised 2x a week, where the first half of the week focuses on lower-rep, compound movements, whereas the second half of the week focuses on efficient control with higher reps through correct motor rehearsal.  Strength is the focus with this program, but as a typical novice lifter, as you progress each week, you will notice gains in primarily strength, when it is all said and done.  This program can be accomplished by working out Monday-Saturday, with three, possibly four days of exercising, one day of rest separated between them.



The purpose of this program is to progress each and every week, so that each workout is even better than the last.  There are various ways that progressions can take place throughout the 4 weeks, so make sure that you are reading and paying attention to EVERYTHING.  The various progression schemes can be, but not limited to: tempo changes, rep/weight increments, exercise progressions/regressions, set increases, exercise variations, RPE/RIR changes, etc.


Iron Man

$10.00 Regular Price
$7.00Sale Price
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