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Muscle Group Of The Week: Chest

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Looking to build a thick chest? A detailed insight into my favorite upper chest builder.


To set up, set up a bench onto an incline, ranging from 30 to 45 degrees. This can be done propping the bench onto a box, or finding one with an adjustable setting, either one will suffice. Next, find something that you can create resistance with (for the majority of the population and have access to the gym, use dumbbells). Setting the dumbbells up in each arm using a pronated or neutral grip, lay your back down onto the bench and position the dumbbells over your chest. At this point, you want to think about "flying your wrists as far away from your chest" as possible. This will help to create an illusion of pulling your chest apart, intensifying the stretch. A few key points to keep in mind as you perform this movement: keep the weight light to keep focus and tension on the stretching action at the chest, as well to maintain joint health, you want to stop the movement at your active end range of motion (this will be individualized. For most, the elbows will not be able to fall too far below the shoulders without causing more bias in the shoulders. For reference, if you fly too far away and below your shoulders, you may feel more shoulders than chest. In this case, stop a little higher for a shorter range of motion to keep emphasis on the chest). As you are now fully stretched, think about squeezing your chest together and bringing the dumbbells back to their starting position. Repeat as desired.


As this movement works the entirety of the pectoralis musculature, the upper chest will be biased due to the inclined setting. Along with the chest, the anterior deltoids will work in assisting the movement in the upwards angle, drawing the arms up in the concentric phase of the movement. Lastly, you may see a slight amount of activation in the biceps as they contract isometrically, due to their stabilization purposes in the shoulder joint as you move the weight downward, or eccentrically.


For the purpose of sticking to the variations of this movement, I will stick onto the topic of those said movements that will help with target the chest in a more lengthened position. What I see with a few beginners and possibly those new to training the upper body, most of their chest dominant movements will be overtaken, or "felt" moreso in the shoulders. Now, can this be due to improper form? Absolutely, but in some cases, their mind muscle connection is one that may need to be improved. Herein comes the lengthening phase movements. This movement, in particular, can be performed in a variety of ways, such as but not limited to; flat bench chest flyes, floor supported chest flyes, pec deck machine, cable chest flyes (these can be done in a low, middle, or high setting. Keep in mind, low to high flyes will tackle the upper chest musculature more due to its alignment with the pectoral fibers), etc.


Personally, I like to incorporate this after a shortening phase chest pressing movement, such as a dumbbell or barbell chest press. This will range between the set range of 2-5, and reps between 8-20. This will help ensure you are not going too heavy on the movement on the beginning range, and you will get a great burning sensation on the end range.

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